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3 Advantages Of A Low Teacher To Student Ratio In Education

3 Advantages Of A Low Teacher-To-Student Ratio In Education


They say it takes a village to raise a child, so why are there schools that have a high teacher-to-student ratio that are sometimes 20 to 1 or more?

In early childhood education and childcare, it is vital that children have a low teacher-to-student ratio. This is because the first few years of life are some of the most crucial to learning and retaining information and it’s important for teachers and childcare workers to not just “babysit” but be attentive and aware of their individual needs. 

Low teacher-to-student ratios in the classroom aren’t just about being able to manage a classroom full of students, there are actual benefits as well. 

We’ve curated a few of the advantages for you to review below and understand the importance of finding childcare or early childhood education provider that has a low teacher-to-student ratio. 

Fewer Distractions

Distractions and an over-stimulating environment can be disruptive to a child’s ability to learn. We know that keeping a child’s attention for longer than a few minutes at a time is already a challenge, so keeping a classroom full of young children engaged is almost near impossible. 

Smaller class sizes reduce interruption and allow for enhanced education. It’s easier for the students to stay on task because there are fewer distractions to interrupt their day. The teacher can also identify when a student becomes disengaged more easily because they don’t have eyes darting around the classroom trying to constantly stop the disruptions. When this happens they can help the student regain focus and continue with their lesson. 

Low Teacher-To- Student ratio

Improved Class Safety

As we said in the first benefit, lower teacher-to-student ratios equal fewer distractions. Fewer distractions mean improved class safety. 

Accidents happen and incidents can occur anytime, anywhere, especially with younger children. If a class is too crowded, a teacher might not be able to prevent accidents from happening like they would if they had fewer students to watch over. 

Increased classroom awareness and the understanding of each child’s grasp on safety awareness can help a teacher spot and prevent an accident before it even occurs. 

Improved classroom safety also includes being prepared for emergencies. In the case of an emergency, the teacher can quickly identify all their students and account for anyone who may be missing. They will know within seconds where all the children are and gather them into a safe space to be protected from dangerous weather or harm. 

Individualized Learning

No two children are alike, and neither are their learning styles and capabilities. In a classroom setting with a low teacher-to-student ratio, a teacher can identify, assess and implement individualized learning strategies for their students. 

A teacher can also recognize what learning strategies work better for their classroom as a whole since they understand each child for who they are and how they learn. 

When a teacher is able to create and implement tailored learning curriculums for each child and their classroom, they are able to take their students’ learning abilities to the next level. 

Along with specialized learning, individualized attention is also beneficial for the student and teacher bond. When a child trusts their teacher they are more likely to tell them when there is a problem and when they need help. 

Want A Low Teacher-To-Student Ratio For Your Child? See TLC Schools

If you’re seeking the benefits listed above for your child, look no further than TLC Schools. We have certified teachers in every classroom who strive to help each student thrive in academic, life, and social skills. 

We offer education-focused childcare for children from 6 weeks to 5 years of age. To learn more about our award-winning curriculums we invite you to browse our website and read our blog page featuring articles like “Benefits Of Summer School” for more insight. 

You can also schedule a virtual tour of our school and meet some of our dedicated and passionate educators that will be teaching your child!

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