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How Early Does Early Childhood Education Start?

When you think of early childhood education, what age do you think of as the starting point? You may be wondering, in regard to learning, how young is too young? Is there such a thing? In reality, children are born with the unique ability to soak up information, and taking advantage of these malleable minds at an early age can prove to be extremely beneficial for them! In order to take advantage of all the benefits of early education, TLC Schools offers education in an age-appropriate, hands-on manner, beginning as young as infants! Let’s take a look at what infant education and toddler education looks like at TLC Schools. 

Infant Education

Our infant caregivers will spend one-on-one time talking and playing with your infant as well as group activities. Caregivers use calm, pleasant voices when communicating with infants as well as face-to-face interaction. While communicating with infants, teachers will both imitate the baby’s sounds as well as offer dialogue about the environment and activities to encourage language development. 

Our staff will respect your infant’s abilities and will respond to new developmental milestones. Your child’s teacher will develop activities and lessons that will nurture and engage each child with the goal of stimulating their natural curiosity and interest. This will be done by providing a broad array of developmentally appropriate activities, reliable routines, and relationships with classmates and caregivers. 

The designed curriculum is developmentally appropriate and will help your child develop a variety of skills. Not only will we help promote language development, but we will assist with enhancing the awareness of self, encourage creativity and imaginative play, and provide a safe and nurturing environment to learn in. We pride ourselves on providing opportunities to develop large and small muscle control, promote color recognition skills, and stimulate development through hands-on learning activities. 

Toddler Education

Toddlers’ minds are a sponge for learning opportunities. Kids at this age are busy little people who love to climb, explore, build, and create. They are developing many new skills in their quest for independence by walking, talking, and learning who they are and what they can do. It is a time of fascinating discoveries for our toddlers and a time to adjust to their environment and others. 

Our facilities allow your toddler to develop all these skills in a safe and well-equipped environment; all under the supervision of our well-trained, nurturing, and degreed teachers. We encourage young toddlers to explore the world around them, and will help them build vocabulary, small and large motor skills, creative expression, socialization, and much more! 

Children at this age will learn the most through PLAY! Through play, we will use our senses to learn more about the world around us. Children will begin to understand and organize thoughts about themselves and the world through trial, repetition, imitation, and identification.

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TLC Schools in Plano

Are you convinced that you want your child to reap all the benefits of early childhood education, and to do so as early as possible? Looking for the best early childhood education program in Plano? Look no further than TLC Schools. Get in touch with our team of talented and dedicated teaching staff to set up a tour today!

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