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Fall in Love with the Best Preschool in Plano!
February 15, 2022

It is no secret that there are many benefits that come along with enrolling your child in a quality afterschool program. One of these benefits happens to be an environment that fosters homework help, which is often a relief to parents who have not taken a look at math problems since they have been out of school (which is long enough to forget the solutions for some of us!). There are a few ways that this is achieved at TLC Schools. Let’s take a look at how an afterschool program equals homework help for your preschool or school-aged child! 

Dedicated Time

One way that afterschool programs assist with homework is by establishing a dedicated time for students to work on their assignments. By creating this schedule with time set aside for homework, children can begin to develop healthy academic habits. When habits are established, it becomes easier to follow through with them, and thus healthy homework and study behaviors are instilled. 

Without an afterschool program, children may go straight home and become distracted with family, games and toys they have there, or many other things. It can be harder to establish a dedicated time set aside for completing homework, and even if there is time set aside, it can be hard to enforce it. 

Dedicated Space

Another way that afterschool programs assist with homework is by establishing a dedicated space. At home, children may not have an adequate workspace at which to complete their homework. Without a personal desk or table, they may utilize shared spaces such as a dining room table instead. While this may be sufficient in some circumstances, for some students, focusing on homework can be extremely difficult without a dedicated space. For this reason, they may benefit from an afterschool program. 

Dedicated Staff

Yet another way that afterschool programs assist with homework is with a dedicated staff on hand to supervise and engage with students. This allows children to receive the assistance they need with homework from knowledgeable and educated teachers and assistants. Afterschool programs provide a unique level of access to these professionals that can truly set your child up for success throughout their academic career. 

Dedicated Parents

By enrolling your child in an afterschool program, you allow yourself to once again become a dedicated parent, not a parent and a tutor and a teacher and an assistant. Your job as a parent is an important one, and we want to do our part as a quality afterschool program to help in any way we can. That is why we hire only the most qualified staff – so you as a parent can enroll your child in our programs without worrying about the quality of care and attention they will be receiving. Become a dedicated parent again by looking into the benefits of an afterschool program for your child. 

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TLC Schools Afterschool Program

Want to see the benefits of an afterschool program in action? Does your child need homework help that you are no longer able to assist with? Have you found yourself searching for “afterschool program near me” or “best preschool in Plano?” Look no further than TLC Schools. Get in touch with us to set up a tour today!

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